Ran Tao
Email: rantao16 [at] umd [dot] edu
Hi! My name is Ran Tao (陶然). I am a final-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Maryland, College Park. I’m fortunate to be advised by Yu Gu. Before that, I got my B.S. degree from the School of Mathematical Sciences at Fudan University in 2019.
My research focuses on probability and stochastic analysis, with their applications to statistical physics. I work on topics including stochastic partial differential equations, interacting particle systems, and Malliavin calculus.
Here is a copy of my CV.
Preprints and Publications:
Time-dependent averages of a critical long-range stochastic heat equation. (with Sefika Kuzgun)
arixv (Comments are welcome!)
Fluctuation exponents of the half-space KPZ at stationarity. (with Yu Gu)
arixv (submitted)
Mesoscopic averaging of the two-dimensional KPZ equation. J Stat Phys 191, 6 (2024).
Gaussian fluctuations of a nonlinear stochastic heat equation in dimension two. Stoch PDE: Anal Comp 12, 220–246 (2024).